Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Got a phone call yesterday (4/8) around 4:00PM regarding a pair of shoes that were missing from when I returned my youngest back to her mother.

"Could you please return the shoes?"


There was a follow-up text which asked "when?".  To which I replied I was not sure.


I then received the following:

Now was this enough? OH NO.  This person here is a professional.

Just a tad bit later (click to enlarge)....

Clearly, we are dealing with someone at an adequate level of stability....

Also, my girlfriend is totally a whore.  If it's on the internet, it has to be true.

An introduction...

So, here I am.

I'm a 31-year-old guy living in upstate NY.  I sometimes characterize myself as "that guy," meaning that I have two children, but they're not from the same mother.

So, if we fast-forward a bit in time.  It obviously did not work out with Mom #1, and as you can imagine things also didn't go so great with Mom #2.

Mom #2, bless her heart, seems to have been loaded up on a boat from Crazytown, USA.  Even now, nearly a year after our initial "decree of 'the splitting'," I have found myself subject to quite a lot of interesting texts and emails.

More often than not, I find a bit of humor in them, so I figure I would share it with anyone else that was willing to read it and/or who stumbled upon the humor, and in part, sad state of my life and its surroundings.

There have been many, many instances of craziness placed into typed verbage that I may or may not find the time to share with the internet, but for now, I will try to keep things in the present, and go from there.

Hopefully most of you will be able to laugh along with me.  This blog is (hopefully) going to stand as a place of humor for myself and those like myself that have some great material from a horrific crash and burn scenario that is a "bad relationship".

I invite you to read and share along with us as we traverse the psyche of those we hypocratically call "less stable" than ourselves.